To the Combat Flip Flops Community, About a year ago, I met with a journalist that explained that no matter how awesome the idea, how revolutionary the concept, how challenging the perspective--it takes at least 3 years.  Well, you've been in the trenches with us since 2012.  

It's finally happening--Thank you.

Enjoy the win, but there's a mountain of work in front of us.  


With Gratitude, Griff 

Matthew Griffin


Stunning talk Matthew…
Can I have a verbatim transcription on that talk?…
Once again thank you for the awesome message of peace for all humans…

— Luis

You have an incredible company, mission and drive. Meeting you the other month at SEATAC was a humbling experience and you’ve definitely helped feed my own level of stoke. I pray our paths cross again soon. Keep getting after it!
P.S. I still owe you that coffee

— Dan