It must be the recent Star Wars Release, because the Force was strong with you this week.  Top 3 won flip flops and a shirt.  Did you make it?  Let's find out.

Note:  We're a flip flop company.  Please don't take any of this seriously.  It's mean to be fun.  If you don't find this funny, we can't help you.  Unless it looks kind of serious.  Then we might be serious.

10.  We always like to start with your mom.

Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number 10 Your Mom January 11, 2016

9.  In case you didn't know, he had a dark side.

Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number 9 Ghandi January 11, 2016

8.  This isn't really talking crap.  More like advice.

Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number 8 Old Guys January 11, 2016

7.  Engineering at it's finest. 

Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number 7 Coast Guard January 11, 2016

 6.  Here we go.

Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number 6 What's going on January 11, 2016

5.  Here we go.  Again.

Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number 5 Drones January 11, 2016

4.  Picking up on a theme?

Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number The Constitution January 11, 2016

3.  Ok.  We'll stop after this one and get back to the good stuff.

Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number 3 Fast and Furious January 11, 2016

2.  #MealTeam6

 Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number Oregon #MealTeam6 January 11, 2016

1.  Ok.  We all laughed out loud when we saw this one.  Go Army.  Beat Navy.

Combat Flip Flops Talk Shit Tuesday Number 1 Go Army Beat Navy January 11, 2016


The Dude