Here are some of our favorite photos tagged by members of the Unarmed Forces.

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@lucky4kelly make sure you check
your messages on Instagram so we can send you a unicorn!

Thank you, everyone, for submitting your photos and tagging Combat Flip Flops. Keep it up for a chance to win some free gear.


The Dude


Hi Pam,

Sorry for the delay in reply. Here you go.

1) I would have kept it as a special operations conflict. That war was “won” in the first six months. Our national addiction to owning terrain instead of outcome lead to the occupation of conventional forces that eventually turned the people against the U.S. Had I been one of the decision makers, it likely would have gone the same way, except that we would have immediately followed the invasion with socially relevant trade policies, abundant literacy programs, and improvement of basic life necessities.

Being a good host is at the core of Afghan culture. Bin Laden was a guest. Asking them to give him up would have violated one of their fundamental qualities. Regardless of the atrocities he committed, it placed Afghans in a tough cultural spot. Our context as Westerners causes us a little struggle in the contemplation of this concept.

2) Yes, they are poppies. We wrote an article about it. You can read it here:

Thank you.



oops. sent comment. not meant for public display. please omit.

— Pam

I just want to start by saying no disrespect intended. I bought your product before. Good flip flops. I did so because anytime I can support veteran owned businesses or those who support veterans and our military, I do so when buying. Usually, the products are better then I would have gotten otherwise. Good quality by good people. Black Rifle Coffee, Under Armour, Nine-Line apparel, Bottle Breacher and more.

So here are my questions. I here you speak and feel you think the U.S. and allies were wrong in invading Afghanistan. If so, what would your wish list have been had you been of the decision makers? Remember. The Taliban had made it clear they would not extradite the architect of 9/11. I want to know because I do want to support your efforts, but I am getting mixed signals.
.I listened to you speak at TED and concluded that you, in retrospect, were against the Afghan war, what would you have done given you are the decision maker and can go back in time. Sent in S.O.’s to do the job of removing Bin Laden?
Also, I see what I appear to be poppy flowers, on the bottom of my sandals, base for producing heroin,the source of revenue for warlords and Taliban, alike. Is that a statement of some sort? Is it “I am stomping on the deplorable heroin trade that funds war lords” kinda statement? There is no way you support that industry, so enlighten me as to the meaning, please. They are on my sandals, so when asked, I want to be able to give your answer.


— Pam

Yesss! Thank you! So rad!

— Kelly Adams