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Gina Elise | #Unarmed Forces Podcast

Gina Elise | #Unarmed Forces Podcast

Combat Flip Flops Gina Elise Pin Ups for Vets A Pin-up Calendar

That Funds Medical Equipment

For Veterans


The Dude
Combat Flip Flops Stokesperson Zach Carbo Adventure OUtdoor Sports

This Will Kill You Or Free You.

Combat Flip Flops Stokesperson Zach Carbo Breaks it DownStokesperson Zach Carbo

Why Or Why Not?

Action Adventure Sports

The Dude
Empowering Education: Attend the Sahar Fundraising Dinner

Empowering Education: Attend the Sahar Fundraising Dinner

Sahar's Fall Fundraising Dinner

Join us at Sahar's Fall Fundraising Dinner. Get info

Mandy Stephenson
7 Must-Haves For Back To School

7 Must-Haves For Back To School

Combat Flip Flops Back to School

Get them gear they'll be proud to rock through the halls and around campus. 

Mandy Stephenson
Tagged: Education MS
Audit of Over $759 Million Spent on Education in Afghanistan

Audit of Over $759 Million Spent on Education in Afghanistan

Aid Afghanistan For Education

Recently, SIGAR published an audit on DOD, State and USAID’s over $759 million investment in primary and secondary education in Afghanistan. 

Mandy Stephenson
Mother's Day Gift Guide

Mother's Day Gift Guide

Combat Flip Flops Mother's Day
This year, give Mom a look that's more than a fashion statement, give her a new mission statement.  

Mandy Stephenson
Tagged: Education MS Women
Why Educating Afghan Women is Important

Why Educating Afghan Women is Important

Educate Afghan girlsCurrently, more than 3000 female and 100 male students are attending AAE schools across Afghanistan.

Mandy Stephenson