All this news about Las Vegas got you in the dumps?
We've got a story to inspire you—a story about a hero, Michael Kordich.
Shoutout to our friends over at Hotshot Brewery for the vintage photo of Kordich.
Michael Kordich was an Old Cajon Handcrew Member based out of San Bernardino County's Fire Department, fighting forest fires as a wildland firefighter. As part of their extensive training, San Bernardino County wildland firefighters are basically trained as EMTs and as first-responders.
Given this training, Kordich knew exactly what to do and how to respond when the Las Vegas shooter began opening fire.
Instead of tucking tail and fleeing, Michael Kordich, under blankets of steel rain, began administering CPR to a severely injured concert-goer.
Bullets are whizzing by 'til one of them finds its mark.
He gets shot. In the arm.
So what does he do?

He begins administering CPR with one arm until he passes out.
As of Monday evening, Kordich seems to be doing fine.
Out of all this despair and tragedy beams a glimmer of hope in people like Michael Kordich.
Total fuckin' badass.
Let's take this time to reflect on the tragedy, memorialize those lost, and also see the heroism we saw in human beings trying to help other human beings in dire straits.