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Stokesperson: Stacy Bare

Stokesperson: Stacy Bare

Stacy Bare Combat Flip Flops StokespersonStokesperson

Stacy Bare

Sierra Club Military Outdoors

Matthew Griffin
Tagged: Stoke Veteran
Why Should You Support Team 5 Foundation?

Why Should You Support Team 5 Foundation?

Team 5 Foundation 2016 Annual Fundraiser Special Operations Medical Foundation via Combat Flip Flops BlogSupport Team 5 Foundation

Spec Ops Medics + 4x4's = Awesome

Do it.

Support Now.

The Dude
Tagged: Stoke Veteran
Starbucks Looking for Veteran Suppliers

Starbucks Looking for Veteran Suppliers

Starbucks Veteran Supplier Diversity via Combat Flip Flops Starbucks is seeking Veteran Suppliers

The Dude
The Station Foundation: RESTORE 2015

The Station Foundation: RESTORE 2015

The Station Foundation Restore Special Operations Family Bonding Combat Flip Flops approvedA Bonding Experience

For  SOF Warriors 

And Their Children

The Dude
Tagged: Donation Veteran
On Bowe Bergdahl

On Bowe Bergdahl

"There's an obvious limit to a brotherhood, and that limit is cowardice and desertion."

Matthew Griffin
The State of Flow

The State of Flow

Leo Jenkins State of FlowThere is no pain.

No hate.

No conscious thought.

Just action. 

The Dude
The Mighty 25 - Veterans poised for impact in 2016

The Mighty 25 - Veterans poised for impact in 2016

Nate Boyer Named by We Are the Mighty as Top 25We Are The Mighty

Top 25 Veterans

Poised to Make an Impact in 2016

The Dude
The Value of Bunker Labs DC

The Value of Bunker Labs DC

Do you know all of the s%$t that will kill your startup? 

Do you want to know all the s%$t to help you crush it?

The Dude
To my future children: Your father’s war

To my future children: Your father’s war

"In the end, the war indelibly shaped your father, some for the better, some for the worse. And a part of me will always be somewhere in Iraq, but I would like to think the best parts of me found their way into you"
The Dude

Bridging the Communication Gap With Veterans in Business

The Dude
Tagged: Business Veteran


 Alex Honnold 

Sierra Club



The Dude
Tagged: Relief Stoke Veteran
Talk S%$t Tuesday

Talk S%$t Tuesday

#TRUMP Dominates the Top 3

Matthew Griffin